About Conceptway Solutions

MySP is an online solution that simplifies the Special Pass application and issuance process involving Immigration Department of Malaysia, Employer, Agensi Pekerjaan Malaysia (APS), Educational Institution and foreign national as stakeholder.

Special Pass is a temporary pass issued by the Immigration Department of Malaysia to allow foreign national to extend their stay in Malaysia for less than durations approved for those who have not departed or renewed their current employment / student pass / social visit pass after it expired.

With MySP, the application of MySP will be much easier to apply as it can be done online without the needs to make arrangement to submit the application at the Immigration Office.

Government of Malaysia will have access to perform various key functions (approve / reject / review) for every special pass application submitted through MySP.

Expat SP

For Foreign National employed by their Employer to work in Malaysia as a professional or skilled worker in their profession such as employment in Business Management, Finance, IT company and etc.

General Worker SP

For Foreign National employed by their Employer to work in Malaysia with no particular skill by performing tasks specified to them such as cleaning, carrying, loading or unloading of vehicles, making of beverages, assisting on delivery vehicles, collection/delivery of mail, etc.

Student SP

For Foreign National who came to Malaysia for the purpose of studying by enrolling in any Educational Institution in Malaysia to pursue their studies.

Stake Holders

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